America’s Pride 11″ Pictogram


6 in stock (can be backordered)


This pattern is 11″ wide & 12′ long with no repeats.

The distinctive feature of a Pictogram is that it’s a pantograph with NO repeats.  It’s a complete 12′ roll comprised of 4 panels of 3′ each, all “hooked” together. I’ve added a dotted line at each 36″ section. While they can be stacked up as shown in the picture, they can also be quilted like an E2E or B2B giving lots of pictorial subject matter to your quilt.

To avoid placing an animal or image on top of itself all the way down the quilt I recommend starting at a different 36″ division for each “pass.” After starting, continue quilting through as many sections as needed for that row. You won’t have to stop – the line is continuous. For a full sized quilt I might make 7-8 rows, starting at various sections of the panto.

“America’s Pride” includes the following designs:

Declaration of Independence, American eagle, American flag, The White House, U.S. Capitol Building, Statue of Liberty, George Washington, Lincoln monument, Jefferson Memorial, Liberty Bell, “Old Ironsides” USS Constitution, and Golden Gate Bridge.

You can save 20% on the price of this pattern by purchasing it as part of the American Set.

Many people use this pattern for Quilts of Valor or other patriotic quilts.  While we no longer give the pictogram “paper roll” free, we do have a FREE down-loadable version that you can tape together.  Of course we trust you to use this offer for Quilts of Valor quilts.  See the QOV section of our website to download it.

A few years ago a lady came to my booth and told me a wonderful story.  Her local quilt guild wanted to make quilts for the large number of men and women in their community who had been called up to go Iraq with the National Guard.  They checked to see what specifications they should follow and were told a specific size and instructed to make the quilts sand colored.  Many of the quilters, she said, stitched their “sand-colored” quilts with this pattern.  Even without red, white and blue the soldiers were able to have patriotic images of their country.  As you can imagine, my heart was warmed and my eyes teary.  Coming from a military family, it means a lot!

Another lady told of being comissioned to make a quilt in memory of a fallen soldier and had chosen this pattern to comfort the family.

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